Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Musician Meeting 2012

Here is a video from the CHWC Musician Meeting, it was a great weekend with so many talented people.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Theme for 2012

Catholic HEART Workcamp invites you to live in the moment.  ZERO-IN and serve. Be aware of the small gifts that come your way. A smile, a word of thanks, the sun breaking through the clouds. Be present to the people you are with. Respond to them. Spend time with them. Concentrate. Life is about being in the now. Be here. Pay attention to what is in front of you. Pin point what’s really important. What are you called to do? Be part of God’s call to serve. It’s in the moment that defines your experience of life. Choose to focus on God’s unfailing presence. ZERO-IN on your Catholic faith. The past is over. The future is tomorrow. Live to give. Jesus calls us to be focused on His love, loving yourself and others. God desires you to zoom in on who and what is in the NOW. Listen, serve, reach out, care, and love. Be laser sharp with your attitude to serve. Be intentional. Your presence is important. God will use you to do something momentous this summer. Be a part of Catholic HEART Workcamp in our 20th summer of service. When you ZER0-IN and serve, the magnificent, beautiful, positive and miraculous will happen.