Monday, July 13, 2009

CHWC in the News

Catholic HEART Workcamp has been all over the news stations this summer. Below we have two broadcasts one from Oklahoma City,OK and one from Greensburg,PA.


If you know of any other news coverage of CHWC this summer please send an email to

Monday, July 6, 2009

CHWC Going Green

Catholic HEART Workcamp is doing all it can this year to be green. We have opted to use paper products where possible, and we are recycling plastic and cardboard in all of our kitchens. We understand that preserving our environment is a way of preserving God's creation and We are doing our part to do so.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Love Repeated

Campers all over the country have been Love Repeated to hundreds of residents in 20 communties in the month of June. As the new staffs take over in July we want to focus on our theme Love Repeated. Love Repeated means taking the love that we are shown by our families and friends and duplicateing that love to those all we come in contact with. So far in 2009 we have had 5000 campers take that love and show it to all they have come in contact with, it truely has been something special. As we embark on the second half of the summer, we hope that the love that has happened already will not only serve as an example to those who follow, but contine to grow and spread to the commmunites that campers return to. Here is the theme song performed by the person who wrote it Jon Niven, in Charlotte, NC.

We pray for safe travels and that everyone will find a way to repeat the love they have received.