Every year Catholic HEART Workcamp grows, reaching new people and doing
work in communities across the country. Last week, CHWC took
Philadelphia by storm for the first time! And what better place than the
City of Brotherly Love to live life uncovered and spread the CHWC love.
Among the 35 work groups working in the city, three groups worked at Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (BVM) Parish in the Kensington neighborhood of the city. Clearing nearly a hundred bags of garbage from neighborhood streets, painting the Visitation BVM School cafeteria, and
renovating a local convent, these groups made a monumental difference.
In the process they also learned that This Place Matters.
Visitation is currently one of a hundred finalists in the national This
Place Matters competition run by the Historic Trust for Historic
Preservation. In order to win though, Visitation needs votes! Currently
ranked 7th in the nation, Visitation will use the prize to continue the
outreach efforts of the Parish, which sustain the neighborhood and are
estimated at a value of $22 million. To learn more about the work
Visitation does and to cast your vote visit:
Voting runs through the end of June. Each e-mail address can only vote
once, so vote with every address you have!
This is a great way to continue the work that begins at CHWC and allows
the agencies we work with to flourish! So take a minute- share it with