WRITTEN BY: Kelly Naas, Public Relations Diva
It’s always incredible to stop and think about the BIGNESS that is Catholic HEART Workcamp. After all the planning, fundraising, preparation, and prayer that goes into arriving at camp...you quickly become a part of something BIGGER than yourself. Gathered together, you create a once in a lifetime team, and in a community, for people you don’t even know...you SERVE. Joined with the multiplication of other cities, camps, teams, and teens around the country, lives are changed and hope is restored simply by the work of your hands. Who is serving through CHWC and how much of an impact does a summer of CHWC have on our world? Good question! We wondered the same things; check out some of these numbers for our 2011 summer!
11,712 campers
484 Groups
94 Priests
44 cities
1,563 Work teams
1,998 Residents and agencies were served
Catholic HEART Workcamp is much more than a week of service that simply ends when our participants depart home after camp. It is a sacrificial experience that has the power to strengthen faith and transform lives long beyond the bus ride home. Though we never know the exact way our campers are impacted, it is a testimony to our mission and ministry when we hear of stories where life and camp intertwine, coming full circle to prove that the CHWC experience is serving our participants as they too are serving.
In closing here is a letter we recieved from one of the residents that was served this summer.
In July this year, my husband and I were blessed to have a team from CHWC come to our home. We are elderly, living on a pension and unable to tackle the task of painting the outside of our house. The team not only did that but also painted two rooms inside and weeded our large yard. We are so grateful for CHWC and for the opportunity to meet young people and their chaperones who are willing to give time and effort into helping those in need. We pray God’s blessing on these camps and those who take part in them and send our sincere thanks.
Sincerely, Cynthia & Ernie Seddon
P.S.-We have written to the Holy Father expressing our appreciation.