Dear God, GOD! (he says as intensely as a 2 year old could) we thank you for our day YES! (I might add that he prays like a preacher, everything I say he resounds with a convincing YES!). Thank you for all the fun we had today, YES! And the friends we made, YES! And we pray for Grammy, YES!, Nana, NANA! (and so on....) he prays with such passion that I am astounded and amazed. He makes me yearn for such passion. One of my favorite bible verses has always been Matthew 18:3, There Jesus encourages us to have faith like a child. I just liked it, it seemed to strike a chord with me, but I didn't fully understand it until I became a father, and I can see that God wants us to have such unquestioning, unadulterated, unflappable faith that we shout YES! to him and his will. In my life I always think that I know what is best for myself. But in reality that is far from the case. If I would simply turn off my thoughts, and listen to what the Father wants, and shout YES! I would be truly doing his will.
I pray this Christmas season we can say YES! To what God is asking of all of us. That is to say yes, to a calling to listen and follow him, To let him lead us and not try and over-think and interpret what he is saying to us. Let us just listen and say YES!
-Nick Balabanski, Director of Media