Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas from CHWC

Our Savior’s Birth
The Epic Event
The Grand surprise from Gabriel
Mary's Ambitious "Yes!"
Joseph's Heroic Faith!
The Marathon on a donkey
The Impressive birth in a simple manger
The Savior of the World comes to us…
God's Love Revealed
The Epic Event

Merry Christmas,
The Catholic HEART Workcamp Office Team

Friday, December 17, 2010

CHWC Theme for 2011

Soul: Life Uncovered

We are called to wake up and do a little SOUL SEARCHING! To live life UNCOVERED. When we look within at the core of who we are, we are awakened to learn that our faith journey is to be lived, asking the questions, “how can I make a difference for the greater good?” and “how can I serve to bring about Christ’s love?” This is living with “SOULFULNESS!”

This summer at Catholic HEART Workcamp you will be inspired to live your life UNCOVERED, to live your Catholic faith boldly and know your “soul truth”...that you were made for goodness! Soulful living says, I care about my neighbor, and I live with passion and purpose, it is here that I can find connection with my community and my God.

And Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39

Monday, December 13, 2010


We went to the NCCYM which is the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry. We had a weekend full of great acronyms and great people. We met and mingled with over 2000 youth ministers from all over the country. We had a great time in New Orleans and are looking foward to NCYC in 2011.

Here is a picture of our booth with Nick, Kelly, Wayne and Lauren

It looks like Kelly found one of the best parts of New Orleans, the hot sauce

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New CHWC Newletter

Catholic HEART Workcamp wants to keep in touch with the CHWC community. In order to accomplish this we are creating a newsletter every other month to share stories from camp and also to keep everyone updated on what's going on in the CHWC Office. To see the December Newletter go here: If you want to get on our e-mail list you can go to and sign up at the bottom of the page.

Monday, November 29, 2010

New camp announced!

We are excited to have a new camp added to 2011. This camp is on an Indian Reservation in Northern Washington and will be a very unique Workcamp experience. Check it out.

Friday, October 8, 2010

CHWC Postcard it out!

The new CHWC Postcard came out today! Most of our dates are set but a few are still tentative. You can see the availability of our camps at We update this page daily.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Summary DVD's are now Finished

All of the Summary DVD's and Picture CD's are done and ready to be shipped. You can order them at if you would like to purchase one. Also the theme song for CHWC 2010, written by Andy Cloninger, is now available on itunes or you can go here:

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

CHWC Photos

We post all of the photos taken at our camps on our website as well as on facebook. They are now all posted for the summer of 2010, so check them out.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's a wrap

Catholic HEART Workcamp 2010 has officially come to a close. We had over 10,500 campers share and experience Life with a New Rhythm this summer. We thank all who attend camp this summer and are already working on next year.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

CHWC on YouTube?

Yes, that is correct we have are very own YouTube Channel with all kinds of videos from our camps in the summer and other videos to help you prepare for camp.

Here is one of the videos on the channel: Josh Blakesley in Charlotte signing "I am Free."

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Catholic HEART Workcamp Week 1

So many wonderful stories are going to come from CHWC 2010, the first one is Scott Thomas a former CHWC staff member was ordained yesterday and celebrated mass today at our Jackson Camp. Thanks Fr. Scott for sharing this moment with us.

Friday, June 4, 2010

The 2010 Staff Takes to the Road

After a week of training the 2010 summer staff has left for there first camps. Teams 4 and 5 left for their cities on Thursday and Teams 1 and 3 left today. Memphis, Jackson, Chicago and Omaha here we come. The summer of 2010 is going to be an excellent summer, with over 11,000 participants in 41 cities. We are very excited about the next two months.

Below is Team 5 loading their truck on Thursday.

Team 1 loading up on Friday.

 We pray for safe travel of all the staffs this weekend and for all the groups attending the first week camp's.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Media Training

Every year the CHWC Media Managers for all the teams come to Orlando for a weekend of wires, technology, and fun. This training is an intense immersion into the world of CHWC Media. The weekend was a total success, we trained two new media managers and brushed up on the skills of the returners. Below is a picture of equipment day, where we setup and test ALL the media for all five teams, it is quite an experience!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ladder Day!

Catholic HEART Workcamp is concerned about safety 365 days of the year, but one day a year we take safety to the next level. That day is today, Ladder Day. Every year when spring arrives we unload all the ladders out of the sheds, dust them off, and have them inspected from top to bottom. It is quite a site to behold.

You may ask 'Who inspects your ladders?' Well, we have a relationship with a local contractor, David. He is responsible for the wonderful care card racks you see at camp and the crosses we have on stage. David inspects all the ladders from top to bottom and gives them the seal of approval. Below is David hard at work.

Well as the sun sets on the annual Ladder Day event, you can rest assured when you are painting Mrs. Smith's trim, that the ladder you are standing on was inspected by CHWC on Ladder Day.

Friday, March 19, 2010

CHWC at the LA Congress Day 2

Day two was a very busy day at the LA Congress. We met tons of people and caught up with some old friends. There were a lot of people interested in the new west coast camps that CHWC has for the summer of 2010 and 2011. We hope that this translates into CHWC able to continue to grow in the Western U.S. Our favorite acoustic/humor/rock band Popple stopped by for a visit. Below is a photo of Dan and Kyle from Popple at our booth.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

CHWC at the LA Congress

Catholic HEART Workcamp has sent a group of individuals to to the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, this week. The LA Congress is the largest annual gathering of Catholics in the United States with roughly 40,000 people attending. The focus of the congress is for those in attendance to learn more about the Catholic faith as well as seeking personal growth. We have a booth at the event and are very excited to be here.

At the booth: Wayne, Kelly and Lauren just finished setting up.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Managers Meeting, Staff, and Pre-Trip Packs

There is so much going on at the CHWC Office these days. We had the second managers meeting last week. We had the remaining 25 managers from all over the country come to sunny Orlando for the weekend. Johannin our new musicians from Portland played music for the event. The meeting was very successful.Also going on this week we are picking the 2010 CHWC Staff. Applications were due on 2/1 and the staff will be picked by the 15th. We had over 145 applications for about 75 positions. There are so many qualified people, it is a rather difficult process. The picture below is a snapshot of the process of picking the staff.
If that wasn't enough, the pre-trip packets are going out to all of the groups registered for camp also this week. Over 400 packets and 10,500 pre-trip planning books. Wanna see what 11,000 pre-trip planning books look like.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Support for Haiti

Our prayers go out to the millions of people effected by last weeks earthquake in Haiti. There are many ways that we as Catholics can help. One good organization to donate to is Catholic Relief Services. Catholic Relief Services is the international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. Founded in 1943 by the U.S. bishops, the agency provides assistance to 80 million people in more than 100 countries. Their website is http://crs.orgThe American Red Cross is a humanitarian organization that provides emergency assistance, disaster relief and education. They are providing invaluable assistance to Haiti. The easiest way to donate is to text the word "Haiti" on your cell phone to the number 90999, which automatically adds a $10 pledge to your phone bill. This money goes to the Red Cross. So far over 22 million dollars has been raised via text.Locally here in Orlando the company we purchase our T-Shirts from, Uth Stuph, is preparing to take supplies directly to Haiti. They are in need of tarps, cords, blankets, inexpensive tents, medical supplies (triage, operation, gauze, Neosporin, bandages, stuff for casting) powder Enfamil, liquid Enfamil, diapers-all sizes, bottoms and baby items for Our Hands and Feet and other orphanages Send them to the Stuph Clothing office as soon as possible. (6790 Edgewater Commerce Parkway Orlando, FL 32810). They are preparing 4 planes to make a drop next week. The project that Stuph is involved with is Change this World.

CHWC Managers Meeting 2010

Every year the managers of Catholic HEART Workcamp come to Orlando for a weekend of fun, fellowship and learning. The first meeting was last weekend. Here is a picture from that meeting.
The managers are some of the hardest workers in the CHWC family and without them our camps would not be possible. We really do appreciate all they do for the camp.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

CHWC Donations

As many of you may know the proceeds of our Love 140 shirt went to help the children of Peidras Negras, Mexico. We sent a check for $7000 to Sr. Ursula, a nun who lives in Eagle Pass, TX and helps support various orphanages across the border in Mexico. Some of that money went to help give these children a very special Christmas. Below are photos of Steve and Rochelle and some of the gifts that were given to these children.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Did you know CHWC is on YouTube?

Yes, that is correct we have are very own YouTube Channel with all kinds of videos from our camps in the summer and other videos to help you prepare for camp.

Here is one of the videos on the channel.