Our prayers go out to the millions of people effected by last weeks earthquake in Haiti. There are many ways that we as Catholics can help. One good organization to donate to is Catholic Relief Services. Catholic Relief Services is the international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. Founded in 1943 by the U.S. bishops, the agency provides assistance to 80 million people in more than 100 countries. Their website is
The American Red Cross is a humanitarian organization that provides emergency assistance, disaster relief and education. They are providing invaluable assistance to Haiti.
http://www.redcross.org The easiest way to donate is to text the word "Haiti" on your cell phone to the number 90999, which automatically adds a $10 pledge to your phone bill. This money goes to the Red Cross. So far over 22 million dollars has been raised via text.

Locally here in Orlando the company we purchase our T-Shirts from, Uth Stuph, is preparing to take supplies directly to Haiti. They are in need of tarps, cords, blankets, inexpensive tents, medical supplies (triage, operation, gauze, Neosporin, bandages, stuff for casting) powder Enfamil, liquid Enfamil, diapers-all sizes, bottoms and baby items for Our Hands and Feet and other orphanages Send them to the Stuph Clothing office as soon as possible. (6790 Edgewater Commerce Parkway Orlando, FL 32810). They are preparing 4 planes to make a drop next week. The project that Stuph is involved with is Change this World.
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